It’s time to get to the BOTTOM of this disease.


  • Our understanding and caring support group provides a safe place where those touched by an Anal Fistula can share personal stories, express emotions, ask questions and be heard in an atmosphere of acceptance, inclusion and encouragement.

  • We help you navigate through your fistula journey.

  • More often than not, we are left alone with our problems. We try and tackle them all by ourselves.

  • Then, when we are in distress, we may turn to close friends or family to help out. Sometimes this can help, but a lot of people close to you may struggle to relate to you or understand you.

  • They might even be too focused on telling you what you should do instead of just listening.

  • An anal fistula can last for months to many years, it is very common that patients have multiple surgical procedures and can be a very slow process in seeing improvements.

  • Most patients live with a drainage tube called a SETON DRAIN in their rectum and are too embarrassed to share this with anyone.


    Click on the button below to join our group today - and it’s FREE.

The Importance of Peer Group Support

  • Who We Are.

    Perianal Fistula Support Group Down Under provides information, assistance and support to individuals and their families who are affected by an anal fistula.

    An anal fistula is challenging for both surgeons and patients throughout history and around the world. It can happen to anyone, there is no rhyme or reason, for any gender or age, there is no simple cure but there is hope!

    Most sufferers live in silence because of the area of the body the disease relates to, the rectum. Anal fistula can be a difficult and frustrating condition for a patient, as healing rates are variable, and there is often the need for several surgeries in the situation of a complex anal fistula.

  • Together.

    Group members learn to problem-solve and cope with life’s challenges whilst living with an Anal Fistula. It is amazing how much healing, strength and growth a group of people coming together and supporting each other can provide.

    The best part of our support group is that everyone knows what you are going through because they have experienced it themselves.

    You all may have different stories, but at the core, you all dealt with similar issues. Everyone in the group has had a different journey to healing and everyone is at different stages of the process.

    This means that you are surrounded by the best possible people to get advice, support and comfort from.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • An anal fistula is an abnormal track (“tunnel”) between the internal lining of the anus and the skin outside the anus. A fistula may develop after drainage of an anal abscess but may occur spontaneously. Discharge of pus may be constant or intermittent as the external opening on the skin may heal temporarily.

  • An abscess is a collection of pus in any localised space in the body. An anal abscess is one that develops in the tissues around the anus.

  • Most fistulae are the result of infections in an anal gland. However patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (Colitis and Crohn’s disease) are more likely to develop anal abscesses and fistulae.

  • A sitz bath can reduce inflammation, improve hygiene and promote blood flow to the anogenital area.

    Common uses of the sitz bath include keeping the anus clean, reducing inflammation and discomfort caused by Fistulas, hemorrhoids, and healing the perineal area after surgery.

Different Types of Anal Abscess

Anal Fistula and Abscess

Different Types of Anal Fistula

Seton Drain in Situ

“It’s so nice to have such a caring and supportive group of people going through the same issues”


We are dedicated in helping you to get back to what you love to

do and live your best life.

Perianal Fistula Support Group Downunder