12 Surgeries in 2 years

I was a generally healthy person before this fistula situation. Although, I did start having searing pain with my bowel movements. 

My journey started in middle of Covid, but I knew something was very wrong and that I needed help. So I went to my GP for a checkup.   Soon after that, I was booked in for a colonoscopy at St Vincent’s Northside Brisbane.  The prep for a colonoscopy is terrible but you really appreciate the sandwiches they feed you after the procedure!

I got the results back from my colonoscopy and the doctors found 2 fistula tracts which started in my bowel and ran through my sphincter muscle.

Technically speaking I have a complex horseshoe fistula with 2 tracts and there is a cavity filled with infection. 

My colorectal surgeon broke the news to me that this was not easy to fix and I would need many many surgeries to get it back to normal.  I didn’t really know how to deal with it - I still don’t. I am still in treatment for this.

But I have an amazing support network - my work has also been amazing and this support group have been my guiding light.

I just had my 12th surgery in 2 years but I still have hope that my day will come where my colorectal surgeon tells me we’re parting ways.

Perianal Fistula Support Group Down Under

“It’s time to get to the bottom of this complex disease”. Bringing people together with shared experiences of living with a Perianal Fistula, to support each other and provide a space where you feel accepted and understood. Share personal stories, practical tips, express emotions, ask questions and be heard in an atmosphere of acceptance, inclusion, encouragement and most of all - hope. We help you navigate through your fistula journey. “There is light at the end of the tunnel”.


After 3 years - I am healed


My Fistula Journey!